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  1. The birth of Phoenix

    Wednesday, February 13, 2019

    The birth of Phoenix

    January 28th - It’s 2:10am - I’m wide awake.. you’re coming soon!  39 + 6! 

    At 1:30am I woke up feeling a bit different than usual, this wasn’t my normal midnight bathroom break.  As I moved around in bed for a minute I immediately realized that we had sprung a leak!  This wasn’t the astonishing gush that I experienced when labor started with Cyan this was more of a trickle.  I was having some mild contractions but nothing really time-able.  I woke up Bret, let him know that labor was beginning and decided to get back in bed for some more rest.  I knew I’d need it later. 

    The day started as usual with the morning school routine of 8:00 am out the door. Bret brought Cy to school since I pretty much was a ticking time bomb..  I had no idea when contractions would start, as they hadn’t really started yet.  I reached out to Rene (doula extraordinaire) and Cyd my photographer ( to let them know what was going on. 

    8:00am - 2:00pm - I spent my time resting and fueling my body for labor.  Still no real time-able contractions, and no other signs of labor. Rene and I had chatted throughout the day planning the next move.  Dr. Dickerson (best doctor on the planet incase you didn’t know) had been notified and at this point we all were just waiting.  After a few rounds of pumping to get some stimulation, some walking and a concentrated aroma of clary sage (to improve the effectiveness of contractions) and myrrh (for a stalled labor)..  still no labor.   After talking again with doc we decided to go into the office for a visit to make sure in fact my membranes were ruptured and devise a plan of action.  

    *fun fact* - It is said that the Phoenix, carrying his father encased in myrrh, comes from Arabia to the Temple of the Sun in Heliopolis, where he buries him. In order to do this, the Phoenix first moulds an egg of the bitter tasting but aromatic plant called myrrh, and then hollows it out, putting his father into it. Having done this, he plasters over with more myrrh the hollow of the egg, and carries it to Egypt.

    3:30pm - Bret and I picked up Cy then headed to yogurtland for a quick treat.  Bret and I laugh about if someone were to ask me when I was due I’d have to say oh in about 6 hours. Haha! 

    4:30pm - I hopped up on the table in the doctors office and let’s just say there was no denying that my waters were flowing.  So now we plan..  it’s been 15 hours since the first trickle at 1am it was time to take some action.  I trust Dr. D and Rene both very much and the consensus was Pitocin. Dun dun dun..  this was what I wanted to avoid.  Pitocin has a reputation of not being so friendly at times..  especially to a natural birthing mama. 

    5:00pm - 9:00pm - These 4 hours were probably the most challenging of my entire labor. We headed home from the doctors office to grab the bags and some dinner before we headed back to the hospital to have this baby.  I was a mess.  This was not the way I envisioned labor starting, I was angry.  Angry at myself for working too hard the day before.  Did I force labor and it wasn’t quite time yet?  I was angry at my uterus for not contracting properly, was I too old?  I blamed my husband for my oxytocin levels obviously being too low.  I WAS A MESS. I attempted another couple of rounds of pumping while I cried and hoped contractions would start on their own..  Nope. No contractions.  I surrendered.  I gave in to letting go.  This was practice for the night ahead, I see that now looking back. 

    9:30pm - We checked into the hospital to start the journey.  By the time we got into our room in labor and delivery, filled out forms, answered questions and got all situated it was 11:30pm.  Doctors orders were to start slow and gradually increase every 30 minutes or every hour depending on how it was going. I saw 2, 4, and 6 over the next couple of hours..  moving about and changing positions frequently.  

    1:30am - Here we go! This is when contractions started to get “real” my body was progressing, there were signs that dilation was happening and I could no longer talk when the waves came.  One step closer to the prize.  I was only checked once when I arrived at the hospital and I was 3cm 60% station -2.  Throughout labor we had no idea of my actual dilation/effacement etc.  I was bumped up to 8 mU/min.  This is when I moved into the bathtub.  Hubby lodged the peanut ball on the built in seat in the tub so I could rest on it between contractions.  We used the shower head to run warm water on my hips and lower back, back labor was getting more intense and water definitely was my friend! 

    2:20 - Rene had been in contact with Dr. D and Bret contacted Cyd to come up to the hospital, baby boy was getting closer.  This is when I entered into my birth cave.  It was just me, my body and my baby.. we were well prepared  for this event.  I didn’t hear anything around me from this moment until Phoenix was born.  I felt more connected to my body and my thoughts than ever before, with each contraction I could feel my body transforming and opening. My baby was moving lower and closer to being in my arms. 

    2:50am - Rene called Doc who was waiting in the wings for his time to come.  He was heading our way.  This last hour I had been very vocal, much more than my first birth..  I was much too embarrassed to be vocal the first time around.  Interesting how much I’ve grown into who I am today over these last 8 years. In this moment it wasn’t about what anyone else thought it was about me releasing control, listening to my soul and respecting my sacred space to move as freely as I wished.  There was some serious pressure and a definite urge to begin to push. 

    2:55am - First push. 

    3:02am - My body melted with these final few contractions and I began to speak to my baby. I knew exactly where his head was i could feel him..  “I’m ready, come on baby. Come my baby.”  Bret described this part to me and his experience was that it appeared that I was in another place.  I couldn’t agree more..  I was having an out of body experience.  This experience was the most powerful experience probably in my life. I wasn’t in woman’s hospital in the bathtub anymore.  There was no logic purely instinct. 

    3:07am - I felt a huge release in my body almost like a popping sensation and I immediately said “something happened” “I feel something” Rene asked if I felt the baby’s head?  I reached my hand down below the water and there he was!  Not only did I feel his head, his head was born!  Not a doctor or nurse in sight.. My sweet and amazing husband, alongside the best birth coach ever, guided our baby into this world beneath the water.  The first two hands to touch our sweet Phoenix were those of his loving parents. I will never forget this.  At this point the chaos was rising in rushed our nurse, Kayla, who helped Bret catch the rest of baby as he was entering the world and then several other nurses came shuffling in.  It was like the swat team! Haha.  I maneuvered about to get to a position where I was able to sit to hold my sweet angel. As Bret and the nurse were handing me Phoenix, Dr. Dickerson hustled in.  This called for a good chuckle.. as I was SOOO adamant about him being there for the birth.  He laughed and said “haha great job guys.”  We were all still very shocked that it happened so fast!  Literally 3 pushes and he was earth-side! I guess that’s what happens when you relinquish all control and let birth happen in all of its surprising splendor.

    Here are just a few of my favorite images.  Cyd killed it y'all!

    Peace, love and oxytocin vibes! 

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  2. Cyan the obsessed..

    Thursday, November 14, 2013

    Made a huge mistake and introduced Cy to YouTube.  All he wants to do since we visited the hot air balloon festival is watch videos of hot air balloons.  The mornings sound like this:

    C: I wanna see the hot air ballooooon.. Mommy can I see the hot air ballooooooon.  

    M: points to the iPhone - I have your game right here. 

    C: can you get me that big ol'game? I want the big ol'game.. (Referring to the iPad Mini) 

    This is said over and over about 50 times before we get out of bed. 

    Haha oh Lord. 

  3. Imagine. Ahh

    Saturday, October 19, 2013

    C: hey look, momma look!!
    M: what is it? (looking of course)
    C: is'a Spiiide'a 
    M: (gasp) a spider?!? What color is it?
    C: um.. Um. Bluuue
    K: oh no, I'm scared. 
    C: is ok, is ok, I'm gonna gonna hold you when you're a baby and hold you when I show you. 
    K: aw bub, you're gonna hold me so I'm not scared?
    C: I gonna protect you.

    K: ahem. I love you. :) 

  4. Cracking me up.

    Wednesday, September 18, 2013

    Lately Cyan has been sooooo talkative. He tells me all about his day and remembers things that happened in the past. :). He keeps asking me if I remember when Aunt Sissy popped that green one? Referring to when she popped a green ballon at Mikey and Brittany's baby shower.. Too funny!  Also he's been talking about about school and his friends.  Apparently Carter is his favorite best friend and Bryce is not his friend.  Alex bit him on the head and Grace (Gracie poo) is his favorite too. :) My baby. The other day when leaving school a little girl yelled across the parking lot bye Cyan!!  Sure made me smile. 

  5. It's not quite time..

    Thursday, September 5, 2013

    M: Cyan why are you poo-pooing in your diaper? Lets go use the potty and you can get 2 stickers!! 
    C: No.. I don't want to. 
    M: Mommy is sad you used to go poo-poo on the potty.
    C: it's ok, I not ready yet.
    M: You're not ready to be a big boy yet? Do you still want to be a baby for a little while longer?
    C: Yea

    All I could do was tear up and give him a hug.. He'll grow up when it's time. 

  6. M: my tummy hurts really bad..
    C: is ok is ok I gonna hold you so much til you all better. 
    M: You're gonna take care of Mommy?
    C: yea, until you feel better soon. 

  7. M: Cyan, what's that in your belly button???
    C: (looks down at his belly button) oh!! das a egg in my bwelly button. 

    He did indeed have an egg crumb in his belly button.. 

    Ha. Toddler life.

  8. Your children are not your children.

    Friday, July 19, 2013

    Your children are not your children,
    they are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself.

    They come through you but not from you.
    And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

    You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
    for they have their own thoughts.

    You may house their bodies but not their soul,
    for their soul belongs in the house of tomorrow,
    which you cannot visit not even in your dreams.

    You may strive to be like them but seek not to make them like you.
    For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

    You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite and he bends you with his might that his arrows may go swift and far.

    Let your bending in the Archer's hand be for gladness,
    for even as he loves the arrow that flies,
    so he loves also the bow that is stable.

    - Kahlil Gibran (1884-1931)

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  9. Sugar-laden goodness.

    Monday, July 8, 2013

    June 24, 2013 - Cyan enjoys his first real snowball (I opted for the clear, coconut) and it proved to be quite a delight.  He refers to them as snowmen and sometimes asks me.. Momma, want a snowman? Ha.  

     photo MiddleFormattedSignature.png

  10. Oh and..

    Sunday, July 7, 2013

    Cyan pooped on the potty again tonight. Progress!
