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  1. Buzz buzz buzz.

    Monday, January 30, 2012

    Lately Bret and I have both been incredibly busy with business as well as personal endeavors. Yay! Cyan has been a busy little guy, himself. Too busy to even eat. Makes for a worried momma.. The last few days he hasn't eaten very much, not even milk. Ugh. I know he'll eat if he's hungry but I always wonder if something hurts like his tummy or something. He nursed fine this evening so I'm happy for that.

    I'm assuming Cyan caught a cold and has now given it to my husband who for the last two nights has been sleeping on the couch since he blows his nose every two seconds. Whatever it was seems to have lasted about 3 days so hopefully Bret will be feeling better real soon.

    I took Cy to the pediatrician on Monday, his 10 month birthday, to make sure it wasn't in his chest or ear.. Both were clear and he now weighs 18.5 lbs! My angel. :)

  2. Cy pie sniffle guy.

    Friday, January 27, 2012

    Soooo my little love has the sniffles/snot attack once again. I swear I believe it when they say that daycare children can get a cold a month for the first year of their lives.. So true! We got over the ear infection just fine, and I'm thinking that the antibiotic kicked whatever other little funk he had going on in there. He only goes to daycare Tuesday's and Friday's and I'm telling you he came home on Tuesday with yet again another snot monster! Ugh. Of course it wouldn't be so bad if he didn't have a monumental meltdown every time we try to suction him.. I have been using little noses decongestant drops which seem to be doing the trick, the temporary trick to curing the dryness. I'm praying he doesn't have that RSV that seems to be going around.

    We met with another bride today and fingers crossed we get this wedding too! I've also been significantly more booked at work since I cut my schedule to three days a week. :)

    Haha look at those tiny teeth!!

  3. Compare and Contrast

    Thursday, January 26, 2012

    Cyan and I had a wonderful day together! He's becoming his own person and is really great at trying new things. We had a trial with a popsicle not too long ago, (one I made from hand squeezed orange juice from pop's tree) well he hated it and got very mad with me for making him try something that was too TART. The few times that followed that episode, he wouldn't even give it a shot.. even tho it was strawberry banana deliciousness! So it's been a while maybe a month or so and tonight we tried again. Apple juice this time. He seemed to enjoy it a bit better.. maybe it's the cold that makes him pucker. I'm attempting it because I know he's teething and it'd feel quite lovely on his aching, inflamed gums.

    Bret's working late tonight so I whipped up something quick for dinner, Shrimp stir-fry. Now that Cyan is a bit older and can use his jaw properly I'll take out the mini food processor and just chop up whatever it is that we're having with a few exceptions. I eliminated the shrimp from his meal.. just incase of allergies etc. I did however come across this article.. I find it interesting and people should be more conscious of exposing their children to different types of food and flavors. I know most people just operate on how their mothers did things and what advice they get from family members. Do some research, break the mold.

    Experts seek to debunk baby food myths

  4. Material world.

    Wednesday, January 25, 2012

    I've thought I was lucky for quite some time.. Luck is what you make of it. I've learned that money isn't the key to
    happiness. Designer bags don't make my family stronger or my love more pure. I'm thankful for a husband that would do absolutely anything for me, who would be there for me when
    my thoughts get dark. I have friends, dear friends, that need things. I need stability, I need love, I need to be the creative me that I know and love. I lose her at times but when we rekindle our flame it's brighter and bolder than I ever could imagine.

    We went out tonight with hub's work people, a late christmas extravaganza at a Mexican restaurant. A few friends from my work came to watch the little guy. It was the first time someone watched him that wasn't family.. It worked out well! Cyan was overjoyed to see us, and nursed right to sleep. A sleeping baby is Gods greatest gift.

  5. Caught a long wind.

    Tuesday, January 24, 2012

    I had a long talk tonight with a dear friend who is having some serious relationship issues.. I'm reminded of how much I love my husband and how much work relationships take. It's no piece of cake but worth every bit of work you put into it! As long as both partners really give it their all. Relationships, family sibling or marriages all require a great deal of compromise and sacrifice. Im thankful for my husband who sometimes I don't really see eye to eye with.. For being the best partner he can be and the greatest father to our son. I am counting my blessings and seeing the glass is definitely half full for the Lovetro family.

  6. Baby blue

    Sunday, January 22, 2012

    Bret and I enjoyed a night away last night photographing a band (Beer for Breakfast) as well as his sister/bro-in-laws engagement photos around New Orleans. Making a few discoveries while in the city..

    Cure - very cool and unique atmosphere, we sipped on some Absinthe.

    Idea Factory - Great little wooden sculpture/creation/toy store on the corner of Chartres & Dumaine we got Cyan a few little wooden rollie toys :)

    While being away was nice, I sure did miss my sweet mango. Funny how when I was pregnant with him I referred to him as "sweet mango" and his absolutely favorite fruit is mango. The universe loves us.

    The blue and the red photos were taken in the upstairs bathroom of Happy's Irish Pub on Canal St. Heaven and Hell were their names.

  7. Crave Fav.

    Thursday, January 19, 2012

    Cyan's most recent findings/loves consist of my shoes, the toilet, and pulling up or attempting to climb on nearly everything, including me!  Tonight we may have added crescent rolls to this list for him.  We've ventured out a few days this week, one being the MALL.  I realize how much I absolutely hate that place for numerous reasons.  One being that I had to park 10 rows back and had to trek with the babe all the way to the entrance.. no big deal. I'm totally able and could use a bit of exercise!  As could the individual I saw parked in the handicapped space...  What's up with that?!?  Moving on..

    We've also been walking/running to the mailboxes which has been almost enjoyable, not at all as easy as I anticipated it would be.  Carrying a baby sure does take it's toll on the body!  I haven't been this out of shape in years.  In my defense.. I'm running with a jogging stroller that I purchased off of craigslist that can seriously use an alignment in addition to it having a stationary front wheel that I have NO idea how to operate..  That stroller will be back on craigslist asap.  Aaaaand I'm running, running.. along side the puggle who is leashed and pulls like a bull any direction closest to the grass so she can sniff (she's part beagle)..  quite the recipe for disaster.  sheesh.  What a girl gotta do to tone them THIGHS! ;)

    One of my resolutions for 2012 is to create a photo book, 365. One image that inspires me each day!  I'm also going to do one of Cyan..  It'll be fun to watch him grow this year.  I'll attach a few of my favorites thus far and periodically I'll list my current favorites.. I'm curious to see if some of the ones from early in the year are still favorites of mine later. 

  8. Thankful for a simple life.

    Wednesday, January 18, 2012

    All day I've been thinking of just how fortunate we are to have a healthy child. My heart is heavy for specifically those who have to bury their children. Cy and I had an extra special day, wearing our red, thinking of Tripp Roth, as his family said their goodbyes and buried the almost 3 year old who fought a disease almost no one knew about before him. If you haven't heard of Courtney and Tripp, follow the link.. if you have a soul, it'll tug at it.

    Tripp Roth's Story

    It's true, I hold my baby extra tight these days especially since a friend of mine lost her little girl (8) not more than a month ago. Our days are precious and numbered, our time is invaluable. My mission is to mother. My life has never felt so full of joy as it does now to have Cyan in my life.

    I have done absolutely everything in my power to keep him as healthy and to grow him as naturally as I am able to. We parent him solely from intuition and love.

    He was born naturally, an unmedicated birth. He's never had an ounce of formula only milk from me. I make the majority of his baby food from organic/whole foods. There's just too much child cancers and such for me to feel comfortable enough to rely on processed/pre-made preservative infested foods. While I understand genetics and that I'm not in control of the universe, it's my job as a mom to provide the very BEST for my child. This I will not compromise for convenience.

    Red for Tripp. RIP angel boy.

  9. 12:12am - I'm very much so looking forward to spending tomorrow with my little prince! We're both still getting adjusted to our newly part-time daycare/part-time stay at home mommy schedule. I, for sure, have a new found respect for full time stay at home mothers. It's NOT EASY but all the more rewarding.

  10. Garlic mashed potatoes stand no chance.

    Saturday, January 14, 2012

    Last night we celebrated my husbands birthday as well as my parents anniversary! Bret and I practice a bit of a different style of parenting and sometimes I'm unsure of how others will react to the things we do/don't do.

    We're allowing Cyan to be his own independent person when he wants to be.. With that being said, he's been wanting to feed himself! His pincher fingers are currently his greatest asset! Last night he discovered a bit of the cause and effect method. Grab plate and tip toward mouth = much larger bite of potato. I absolutely adore seeing his mind hard at work. Hilarious and not too terribly messy.

    Cheers, potato pie!

  11. The Fantastic Cy!

    Thursday, January 12, 2012

    These last few nights have been rough, Cyan has his first ear infection and for the sake of Bret and I, we hope the last. My dear husband has been traveling to the sofa during the night so he can get some rest while I brace for the inconsolable Cy. This ear infection was remarkably worse than his fit of teething we got around Thanksgiving.

    Thank goodness he had a tiny bit of a better night last night and today he seemed to be back to his silly self.. We'll see how tonight goes, antibiotics can take a few days to kick in.

    His new favorite thing to do is to flip upside down. He arches his back and drops his neck back.. Pretty hysterical. After our acrobatic act we played by the window, breathing onto the cool glass to make it fog up. I sure do love my daytime pal.

  12. I promised myself I'd start writing again and here it is already the 12th of January and I haven't a peep. So here's my peep.

    To start with a bit of background that may or may not be crucial to some of my rantings/ravings/entries.

    Hubs and I have one child, Cyan and one pup, Chloe' (aka puggle) and of course we have each other. We're close in age and went to college together (it's where we met) both achieving BFA degrees - all in all we're pretty similar. We currently both have careers and are cultivating our photography business on the side, hopefully one day soon this'll be our FT gig.

    Being a hairdresser in this poor economic cesspool of a situation has warranted me some obnoxiously slow days so I am now working PT at the salon and PT as a SAHM (stay at home mommy) while I cultivate our business too. Cyan and I are still getting used to this new arrangement and as the dust settles I know I'm really going to love and appreciate spending a few extra days with him. If you have children you already know, they grow up TOO fast!! Geez.
