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  1. Gaining ground.

    Thursday, June 14, 2012

    So, my sweet ham did take some steps a week or so ago then proceeded to get a head cold (the most severe one he's had for sure). This last week he was definitely not his light and happy self, wasn't eating much or drinking much and was not happy about the congestion! He hadn't really wanted to stand on his own or walk at all. We brought him into the ped and got him on some antibiotics and learned of some fluid in his ears.. Probably a big part of his disinterest in being active. Today we went to the dermatologist to check on his spot on his back that we've been thinking is eczema and doc says she's pretty sure it's not! Sooo I'm cutting off every single tag on every article of clothes he owns. Got some ungodly expensive lotion for the spot, hopefully it'll be gone soon! He was eager to stand more all day today an even took several steps to and from chairs and tables in the office. He couldn't be more excited about it! I'm thinking he's feeling a bit better now! Maybe he'll walk at the beach for real! :)

  2. My first steps!!

    Wednesday, June 6, 2012

    Sooo all weekend last weekend Cyan was standing up like a champ all on his own and on Sunday June 3 he took his first steps to daddy. A few times he took three-five steps!! Yay big boy legs!

  3. A stand up kind'a day.

    Friday, June 1, 2012

    Yesterday 053112 was definitely a day to remember embodying many different emotions. Bret had to attend a funeral service for a friend of ours who was involved in a helicopter crash on Monday memorial day 52812. He was young and leaves a wife and two young sons. Sad day.

    It was also Chloe's birthday, baby fur is 4 now!

    I got to work on a legit set, doing hair for designers on models. SO FUN and I get to do it again on Saturday for project runways fashion show for BR fashion week. Egggciting!

    Lastly, we got some new shoes for Cyan.. Ones good for pre-walkers. He just made 14 months and hadn't stood alone yet, not that I was concerned but I was beginning to be concerned ;)
    I've had a feeling that his current Kai's were too big for him so we ordered hin some pediped's size 6-12 mo. Small fry! He was sitting in his high chair when I tried them on him.. One sandal and one tennis. I got him out of his chair and stood hint up, expecting to have him buckle to his knees like usual but NOPE he locked his knees and stood there, I was so excited I could barely contain myself!! Bret called to tell me he was on his way from work so I mentioned what had just happened with him standing.. Bret got home and asked Cy to show him how he could stand, and he got right up! Like he had been doing it for months.. And he's really confident and good at it!! Yay my big boy.

    Busy day tomorrow. Wheeeee!
