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  1. Change is constant

    Thursday, February 23, 2012

    I've been learning that nothing ever stays the same. Change occurs to allow you the chance to be flexible and moldable and the ability to practice getting up and grabbing something by its horns. Change is constant and inevitable, I've been watching Cyan change since he was born. It's easier to see in a newbie considering they change so much the first year of their lives.

    All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.
    All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

    All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. - Anatole France

    Today we played a bit.. I worked on a few more things for his party ;) so fun! He did a bit of learning today himself he learned how to sip from a straw! Yaay. He hasn't been wanting bottles for probably a month now and hadn't learned the tip and sip of a traditional sippy cup so I was getting worried he wasn't getting enough liquids even though he's been wetting diapers just the same.

  2. Smiles are understood.

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012

    I can't even believe how beautiful my baby is.  Looking through this past year of images I'm reminded of his wonderful, magical spirit.  Last night my hubs was talking about how sore he is from working out!  In the same breath he said "I just think about how you had Cyan with out any pain meds and how strong you are for doing that because if I'm sore from what I'm doing, I know that was intense."  Funny he mentioned it, earlier I had looked through the labor photos..  whoa.  Most of it I honestly don't remember but seeing him now and the way he is, I'd do nothing differently.  I have no regrets and that means a lot to me, feeling confident in the decisions I've made for him so far.  Yes, sometimes it gets REALLY FRUSTRATING and I for sure make mistakes, but seeing this little smile makes everything better..  always. My heart.  Cyan Brooks Lovetro

    I'm looking forward to a meeting at the salon tomorrow.  Sam Brocato is heading it up!


  3. Mardi Gras MomBO

    Monday, February 20, 2012

    It's the first year in a while that we miss carnival time! Well, with the exception of last year considering I was 9 months pregnant.. Not the environment for a overly pregnant woman or a 10 month old child. We've been laying low, working on a few projects. One being the planning of Cyan's first birthday party!!! Of course of love to design everything myself and be neurotic about it.. I'm forcing myself to calmly plan and enjoy every step. Today was a bit scatter-brained, Cyan has been having trouble getting to sleep including naps so it took me an hour and a half to get him down for his one nap which lasted 2 hours. This long stretch allowed me to get a few more party things done. I sometimes think of how fun it must be to be a party planner.. But then again I know how specific clients can be so maybe not so fun! ;)

    We went for a walk yesterday it was nice to get out in the brisk air. I'll have to get me another jogging stroller, I miss walking outside with him and the umbrella stroller just doesn't cut it for lengthy walks on asphalt!

    It rained and thunder stormed the other day and brought some cooler weather and the most beautiful of skies. I really love sky-gazing especially after a crazy weather change. It always warrants the coolest clouds and clear bright colors. This sky was unusually moody.

  4. In the running

    Wednesday, February 15, 2012

    I'll do my best.. once a month at least, to choose my favorite five photographs from my compilation of images that i'll eventually use to make my 365 book.  I'm doing one of just images of Cyan and another of things that inspire me.  It's been challenging and it's only mid February..  It's rewarding too and really fun to look back and remember so much about each day.  :)


  5. Today was a beautiful day; my two love bugs sent me a beautiful bouquet of red tulips in a playful yellow pail. It was the sweetest thing this morning when Bret and Cyan were leaving, Bret handed baby boy his credit card and said get mommy a present today it's Valentines day.. :) and never would I have thought that I had flowers waiting for me on my station at work. Ahem sweetness. That's the stuff dreams are made of.

    What I've learned about love, I've learned these past few years. A love for another human so strong, nothing could come between. Loving a man enough to want to share genes with him because you know he'll be the best husband and father that he ever could be. Being a mother has taught me the selflessness of sacrifice. As I rock my sleeping baby in my arms, my heart boasts. He allows me to see the strength and courage I have in myself.

    People often say I'm/we're spoiling him by parenting the way we are.. Breastfeeding, no crying it out, semi co-sleeping, tending to his every need even if it's just a fit for me to hold him. To me this is the most intuitive way, the most loving way that I know how to mother Cyan. I'm not so eager to have him be super independent at 1 he'll be independent when he chooses to be not because he is forced to be based on someone else's thoughts.

    We opted for Chinese takeout over the hustle and bustle of a busy restaurant.  I think it'll be out Valentines day tradition!  My fortune was even lovely.


  6. Like I said before we've been insanely busy.. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and anxious. Ugh. I promise myself that this lifestyle is only temporary and once we're all caught up I'll have time for me. Time to do house work, yard work etc.. All of which have been seriously neglected these last few months. Cyan's birthday will be here before we know it and for someone who has strategically planned most things, I'm so unplanned right now and it's driving me a little nuts. Maybe the universe is forcing me to improve that neurotic behavior.. and teaching me to let go of the things that aren't all that important.


  7. So we recently lost about half of our staff at work which allowed me to become incredibly more busy this last week. Although I'm still having some mixed emotions about the whole situation, I'm looking on the bright side! I've changed my schedule around once again to allow myself more available appointment times. I'll miss my little Wednesday's with my little guy.. :( I'm still keeping off on Thursday's though.

    Cyan is most definitely getting a top tooth, looks like the top left is about to break the gum which explains why he's been refusing bottles and has been a really annoyed spirit.. Poor mango.

    I had some wine time with a dear friend of mine on Friday night. Twas an emotional, powerful, empowering evening full of great conversation an self revelations.  It's so important to have people in your life that are connected to you on a cosmic level. I'm glad one of those people is my husband.. It's hard when partners have no or little common ground. We're not perfect by any means but we contribute many things to each other and our marriage, sometimes without even realizing it.  On each others blank canvas, we're most often a bright stroke.


  8. Yes, Success.

    Tuesday, February 7, 2012

    Whoa, my signature works! 


  9. Cyan scooted along outside this weekend, the boy loves to be outdoors! Our home is built on an incline so the driveway has a sweet slope which I'm sure one day (if we're still here) he'll try to bust sweet tricks on. As for now, he scurried akin toward me and as the driveway started to slope he couldn't keep his feet going fast enough.. He didn't fuss just tucked them in a bit and enjoyed the journey until one of his wheels cleared the edge and got stuck in the grass. Of course I laughed hysterically, the lizard did not! I love to see the things he's most enthusiastic about.. Outside, mango, yogurt, boobies ;) and of course mommy and daddy. For the first time today he grabbed my hubby's name badge for work and muttered, daaaah a dahh. Daa haa da. Melt.

    Also, we found the culprit that broke the washing machine. Tiny sock, you amaze me. And even more ironic is that it's print is skull and crossbones.  Die whirlpool pump, DIE!

  10. Most of the time I welcome a good change in my life and look forward to opportunity that follows suit. There are some major changes going on at work and I'm trying to see the positive in them. As far as for me, this will greatly benefit me however there are a few people that I will really really miss. These next couple months should be wildly interesting.

    Moving forward. A few friends from work and I went for a night out on Saturday and had a lot of fun and laughs. The absolute best medicine!! A few things we learned that evening..

    Frenchman street, New Orleans: a crazy leotard wearing mardi gras machine.

    Mimi's: hip hop upstairs ='d r&b slow jams

    The beach, Bourbon street: littered with body rocking animals

    Mangos: hot pizza will burn shit out of palette

    Brother's fried chicken: YUMo and the homeless guy on the corner, props on not looking homeless and sorry we couldn't give you cigarettes or nickels or dimes.

    Room 906 @ Le Pavillion, poydras street: possibly haunted

  11. A happy heart.

    Thursday, February 2, 2012

    Sooo I've been really busy these last few days working on a friend of mines blogspot. She lost her baby girl Bella a few days before Christmas and her and her hubby are working on a foundation in her name to raise funds for research, education, and care for other families going through similar trials. She (Kim) is on blog #2 and in the blog she asks the readers.. Do you know your purpose?

    I've given this some thought and for a while I don't think I really had a purpose. Now, my purpose is to make people smile however I can. These days I get so much out of seeing Cyan smile and giggle. I just love showing him new things exposing him to the wonderful world around us.

    Check out her blog, she and angel Bella are an inspiration to me.

    Today Cyan and I played outside for a while. We had fun! He also tried a few new foods... Waffles, chicken, and watermelon. All of which he seems to like. I'm beginning to think he's just a little bird, a picky eater.
