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  1. Things have been good here. Lovetrolux is finishing up a few jobs and continuing on editing our most recent wedding. Exciting stuff!

    Cy has been well, although he did get a taste of a bite at daycare on Friday. Grrrr. What's a girl to do? Toddlers will be toddlers! Apparently there was some animosity over a toy that he was playing with. I actually feel better about the bite than I did about the psycho scratching kid. Dang. We went out for dinner on Friday.. We usually do but have been so busy lately we've skipped the last few weeks. Outback as usual, Bret is addicted to the ahi appetizer! Like father like son I presume.. My child loves raw tuna!

    Weather has been nice and warm so we've been taking advantage of some splash time outdoors. He loves the water and splashing around. One more week until 14 months and still no walking. Lately he does seem to be more interested. We bought him a new plastic walker that's significantly lighter in weight than the wooden one we got from Santa! (I love how auto correct just uppercased Santa.. After all, that is his name!) The plastic one is easier for him to turn so he's now scooting all around cutting corners and the like. My poor poor baseboards. ;)

    My guess on the late walking status is that I may hold him too much. Oh well! He'll walk eventually.

    Shut eye.

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