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  1. A lot has happened lately.

    Monday, May 21, 2012

    Catching up. A ton has been going on here.. Lovetrolux is slammed :) and we're stoked! Cy moved up to the toddler class recently and got his face scratched up by an older kid :(

    My sil called off her wedding. My hubs and I both got raises. We're attending some birthday parties for other one year olds which has been fun!

    Today we took Cyan to the zoo for the first time! Audubon style! Today was the selected day of my sister in laws wedding so we saw it fitting to still all hang out as a family. I teared up at the baboon exhibit.. It's profound to me how some people don't believe evolution exists.. Wow, ignorance.

    All in all we had a lovely day. Cy really enjoyed it as well.. I love him so much!
    Being a mother is more than I could have ever imagined and all of it is very fulfilling!! Lately my little love has been having some trouble sleeping.. Tonight he started to pull at his ears, hopefully we aren't looking at another ear infection.. He's only had one other but still, those damn infections are the worse.

    Oh and mothers day was fabulous! We stayed in our pjs til noon and then road our bikes to the park to play. :)

    Audubon Zoo 5.18.12

    Audubon Zoo 5.18.12

    Mother's Day 2012

    Audubon Zoo 5.18.12

    War Wounds..

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