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  1. A little piece of HH.

    Monday, May 20, 2013

    I was fortunate enough to witness the Dalai Lama's presence live on Saturday and an incredible experience it was.  Just the way that he speaks of humanity inspires me to be a better person.  I wish everyone could be reached by his wisdoms, especially those caught up in abusive, violent uninspiring environments.  His holiness spoke a lot about human beings being the same and having the same emotional capability..  The feelings of anger, hatred and fear are the stems of violent behaviors and if those hearts were more compassionate violence would cease.  If there were a way to shed the steel shells over those violent hearts the world would be, could be, a better place for all humanity. 

    He talked about this happiness revolution starting from inside of you.  You, one person, can be more compassionate toward others and can help lift others up.  We should all be stepping stones to others successes not obstacles.  All humans have the ability to feel love, sometimes they just need help from another person.. some motivation.  

    His laugh.. is totally infectious - it was such a pleasure and dream of mine to see him speak and be in his presence and I checked it off the bucket list last weekend for sure. 

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