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  1. Pony boy.

    Wednesday, July 25, 2012

    The summer at daycare has been very eventful. Cyan comes home with a new drawing or craft daily and has experienced many new things including a ride on a pony today. I bet he was a
    bit afraid at first but he loves riding on the backs of humans so I know he enjoyed himself. We're trying a new approach with the spot on his back.. Not putting anything on it, no even soap to wash it. Hopefully this works, we still can't figure it out and of course it stresses me to the max. My perfect baby boy has a skin imperfection that keeps coming back.. Same spot on his back, its red and blisters at times. The dermatologist we saw says she thinks it's contact dermatitis the pediatricians thoughts were ezcema, it's been there for months and was nearly gone when we returned from the beach. Maybe I'll start putting sea salt in his baths..?!?

  2. Scuttlebugs.

    Sunday, July 22, 2012

    Just about a week shy from turning 16 months, Cyan is walking more than he's crawling these days. Officially a walker!

  3. Blogging Molly

    Tuesday, July 17, 2012

    Lately I've been an awful blogger.. I hate not being able to write daily. Sometimes it's that I'm too busy, or I forget til midnight and I'm exhausted, or I don't have much to say so I save it until I have some decent content!

    Today Cyan's new things are.. Climbing atop tables, dancing like a maniac every time any tune plays.. Music, toys, cell phone ringtones, commercial, EVERYTHING.! Also today he has been saying bye bye and waving. He's getting much more cognitive these days. Last weekend we had dinner out twice in a row, what a treat! He was giving kisses and waving and blowing kisses! Haha! He couldn't be any cuter. With all this sweetness comes a bit of salty I suppose. He's definitely teething and has the occasional spell of rough nights. He likes yogurt when he wakes up teething, I think it's the cold on his baby gums that he really appreciates. Other than this he's actually been having nights of restful sleep in a row, which until 14 months I hadn't a taste of. He had summer pictures at school a couple weeks ago, I'm patiently awaiting the outcome! :)

    Work has been exceptionally great, I'm learning so much more about color and teaching too. Big things in my future!

  4. Fishy Fun.

    Wednesday, July 4, 2012

    Today we went to the aquarium for an impromptu trip with some family. Bret and I hadn't been there in years and it was Cyan's first time. He really seemed to enjoy it! His favorites were the tropical brightly colored fish (a favorite of mine as well) and the penguins and otters!! Cy didn't fuss at all and strolled right through his nap to see all the sites.
