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  1. 11 months and counting.

    Sunday, March 11, 2012

    We joyfully celebrated Cyan Brooks on Friday, his 11 month birthday. Still I can't believe how fast time flies! He's been doing some fun new things these days like putting small objects into other things like bags/boxes/baskets. Putting them in then taking them out and continuing for minutes. He also takes blocks and lifts them behind his head over his shoulder then drops them onto the floor. So funny! Hmmm.. Let's see his 2nd top tooth seems to have cut through although based on the night we had last night.. It's not all the way cut :( misery.

    Oh, he's learned a new fit. When he doesn't get his way ie. for me to pick him up and hold him whenever he wants.. He either lays his body flat on the floor or bends over from sitting just enough to lay his head down as if in despair and defeat. It's so pitifully adorable.

    Feb 28th - We took him to a little Mexican place near home and it was his first journey in his bigger car seat!  He's such a good boy. :)


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