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  1. Tool man Diego

    Sunday, March 11, 2012

    I've been so inspired lately at work with Sam Brocato coming on Wednesday Feb 22, a hair show in Nola on Sunday the 26th and Jason Schwind and Diego Raviglione in a hands on class on Monday Feb 27. 

    I've rekindled my love for hair!  Diego was an incredible teacher and such an inspiration!  After a few aha moments, I understand a bit more clearly I just sometimes wish my brain and my hand could communicate better.  I love having links opened up in my brain and connecting to other links.  The BEST! I love to learn and absolutely love to retain working information especially when it pertains to my livelihood.  Tonight in thankful for the fire that is relit under me to promote me to be creative again.  Take risks and discover new things. I couldn't do this with the salon I worked at before.. Im not sure why, it just didn't fit.  

    Now I feel new again!


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