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  1. Slipping away!

    Sunday, March 25, 2012

    Time sure has a way of slipping right out from under me. Maybe that's the universes way of teaching me how not to be a control freak! Today was awesome, I spent it with my family. I've relearned recently that family by far trumps friendships. They'll always be true! My mom came up today to help me reorganize the house since we got our floors completed last week. wahoo! It's been sorta nice living in chaos this last week even tho I missed paying two bills because I was so out of my routine! Grr. So today we rearranged, reorganized, and recycled the Lovetro house!

    My baby boy will be one in less than a week.. Wow. I've been busy getting ready for his party, robot themed! Although he isn't walking quite yet, Bret and I swear he said good morning last weekend, yesterday I took his diaper off and he stood up to the toilet and pee'd on the floor, and today he signed his first sign "more" this was pertaining to spagetti which by far is his favorite food. He seems to be a huge fan of blueberries, yogurt, applesauce, the brown loaf at outback and trying new things. He's even had sashimi tuna.. Raw.. Tore it up! Last Thursday we also had a little play-date with some other moms from the exceptional birth group I attend. All of the cuties are ONE next week it was so cute to see them smash, play, dissect their cupcakes.

    Work has be great! I've been much more creative!

    Also, last weekend we met the Easter bunny, celebrated my godson Bryer's 3rd birthday and attended a bridal shower for my lovely sister and law.

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