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  1. A Jumping Adventure.

    Thursday, January 17, 2013

    One of my thoughts for resolutions was to blog more, write more.. It seems to be a annual resolution that never pans out.  Here it is January 17th and my first post of the year.. perfect.  This is why it's a thought not necessarily a resolution.  :) 

    Cyan and I went and met two friends who also have babies the same age at Jump N Jive, an indoor play area that has inflatable jumps and slides.  Since we've been so cooped up these last two weeks due to the rain/freezing weather, we HAD to get out and hop off some energy.

    Cyan loves to jump, so I knew how stoked he'd be when we got there.. Truth be told he didn't stop.  We went up and down the giantess slides and even made our way through an inflatable obstacle course that was clearly made for children not carrying babies. Work out, be more active a second resolution of sorts.. to get more exercise was alive and well today.  

    He jumped and ran and played and slid and jumped and ran and ran and jumped and climbed. 

    My angel baby is growing up.. He climbed numerous times to the top of this HUGE slide and slid down alone.. of course after mommy had went down with him bunches too. 

    So needless to say mommy shed a tiny tear watching him climb up that ladder to get to the top and shimmy his body across to get to the slide.  Part of me wanted to go up there and help him, he needs me.. but another part of me wanted to give him some toddler freedom of independence.  He kept looking back at me after a few steps and smiling.. I knew he felt confident to do it alone.   

    Thanks to Rachel, James, Becca, and Camilla for playing with us today! We had FUN!

