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  1. Cy lately.

    Monday, May 20, 2013

    Cy and his pal Grant on Grant's second birthday.

    He's really into singing songs these days and apparently watching videos too. 

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  2. I was fortunate enough to witness the Dalai Lama's presence live on Saturday and an incredible experience it was.  Just the way that he speaks of humanity inspires me to be a better person.  I wish everyone could be reached by his wisdoms, especially those caught up in abusive, violent uninspiring environments.  His holiness spoke a lot about human beings being the same and having the same emotional capability..  The feelings of anger, hatred and fear are the stems of violent behaviors and if those hearts were more compassionate violence would cease.  If there were a way to shed the steel shells over those violent hearts the world would be, could be, a better place for all humanity. 

    He talked about this happiness revolution starting from inside of you.  You, one person, can be more compassionate toward others and can help lift others up.  We should all be stepping stones to others successes not obstacles.  All humans have the ability to feel love, sometimes they just need help from another person.. some motivation.  

    His laugh.. is totally infectious - it was such a pleasure and dream of mine to see him speak and be in his presence and I checked it off the bucket list last weekend for sure. 

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  3. Please, remember me..

    Thursday, May 16, 2013

    A few things ill be sure to forget if I don't jot them down..

    Cyan can sing the alphabet song and can identify some of the letters and he knows most of the beginner colors.  He can count to 10 on his fingers sorta with the exception of sometimes skipping 4 and sometimes 678.  A few if his favorite tunes which he can sign well enough for me to recognize them are: Mary had a little lamb, you are my sunshine, rockabye baby, itsy bitsy spider, humpty dumpty, row row row your boat, ring around the rosy.  

    A few if my favorite things that he is doing right now are:
    Saying god bless you after a sneeze
    Asking if you're ok after you say ouch
    Screaming randomly, I need candy NOW

    His current favorite hobbies are:
    Riding bikes with and going for a run with Chloe and Mommy
    Eating snacks and most definitely bananas and yogurt 
    Watching Calliou
    Drawing on the fridge with dry erase markers

    To be continued..

  4. Cyan and had a fun day Monday playing in the warm weather and being creative!  A few things we learned from experimentation were..  What comes up must come down and if you soak a stick of chalk in water for any length of time you practically make paint.  TRY IT!  You won't be disappointed however I can't promise you won't be covered in chalk paste.  I've got an creative mind on my hands and in my head for sure! 

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  5. Mother's Day Love.

    Monday, May 13, 2013

    Sadly it's been awfully long since I've posted, however my blog has a new look and my intentions are currently good. ;)   

    I had such a great day yesterday for Mother's Day!  Bret, Cyan and I had a lovely brunch at le'Creole YUM.. and bottomless mimosas for Mommy ='d a mid day nap.  

    This video was taken last week - Cyan seems to have a love for creatures of all kinds.  Although, I did see him squish a love bug the other day.. 

    This little boy has rhythm!!  He was playing this tune all by himself on his horn.  You can see he presses the button with his thumb to the ending of Mary had a little lamb and the beginning of Old McDonald.  SMARTY PANTS!! :) I couldn't be more proud of how he's learning all sorts of tricks and he never ceases to amaze me with something new each day.  

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