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  1. Modern potty.

    Monday, July 1, 2013

    Sooo this image was slightly before Cyan made poo-poo on the big boy potty for the first time. 07.01.13 marks the date and 27 months the age. In this case I had fair warning he had been complaining of his belly hurting and his butt hurting :( I had a feeling he may have been having trouble going.  While taking a bath he mentioned having to go to the potty (which has been a reoccurring conversation over the last month but he usually lets me know when it's complete) so I placed him on the toilet and grabbed the iPad mini with his newest wheels on the bus game and he played for a while,10 mins at least.  Suddenly he looked up at me and said he wanted to get down.. He reached toward his bottom a few times so I gathered that he was feeling the urge to go and hadn't ever on a real potty.. Needless to say I reverted his attention back to the iPad and it happened! I kinda doubt he really knew but when I lifted him and he saw he got really exited!! I poo poo in the big potty! Bret and I were ecstatic telling him how proud we were and how awesome he was to use the big boy potty. He got a few yogurt covered blueberries (yum!) as his treat, my baby is growing up... ;) I am one proud Momma.

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