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  1. Remembering my labor day.

    Thursday, March 29, 2012

    It's 2:31 pm and I'm rocking my sweet pumpkin Cy pie to sleep for a nap. So many wonderful memories surround the 29th of march for me. It's the day that I labored on, in order to birth my Cyan naturally. It all started at 8 am that day.. We had plans to go looking for a larger car, I was a 41 weeks and two days pregnant, sitting on the sofa, watching tv and about to have breakfast. I got up to go to the restroom which was a usual occurrence this late in the game. My water bag loose, it was showtime!
    It's now 2:36 if I remember correctly we were getting settled in to our delivery room. I've been spending all day with Cy remembering how he chose his birthday, I've been very emotional and patient with him today. We were very patient with each other on this day last year.

    I could not be more excited about his birthday party on Sunday! Praying for beautiful weather of course. Tomorrow Bret and I are both off with him we're gonna spend the day with him. I'm sure I'll cry :) I always cry. I'm a sucker for feeling. I've got a meeting to attend at 8 at the salon then we'll give him his first real haircut!!!

    Today the pieces are all fitting so nicely together.

  2. Slipping away!

    Sunday, March 25, 2012

    Time sure has a way of slipping right out from under me. Maybe that's the universes way of teaching me how not to be a control freak! Today was awesome, I spent it with my family. I've relearned recently that family by far trumps friendships. They'll always be true! My mom came up today to help me reorganize the house since we got our floors completed last week. wahoo! It's been sorta nice living in chaos this last week even tho I missed paying two bills because I was so out of my routine! Grr. So today we rearranged, reorganized, and recycled the Lovetro house!

    My baby boy will be one in less than a week.. Wow. I've been busy getting ready for his party, robot themed! Although he isn't walking quite yet, Bret and I swear he said good morning last weekend, yesterday I took his diaper off and he stood up to the toilet and pee'd on the floor, and today he signed his first sign "more" this was pertaining to spagetti which by far is his favorite food. He seems to be a huge fan of blueberries, yogurt, applesauce, the brown loaf at outback and trying new things. He's even had sashimi tuna.. Raw.. Tore it up! Last Thursday we also had a little play-date with some other moms from the exceptional birth group I attend. All of the cuties are ONE next week it was so cute to see them smash, play, dissect their cupcakes.

    Work has be great! I've been much more creative!

    Also, last weekend we met the Easter bunny, celebrated my godson Bryer's 3rd birthday and attended a bridal shower for my lovely sister and law.

  3. Heartbreak hotel.

    Wednesday, March 14, 2012

    March 14 2012

    So last night was one of the roughest nights in a while.. Cyan hasn't been sleeping well at all! For probably 3 weeks now he's been up throughout the night crying and fussing. About a week or so so we finally started seeing the top two teeth cut and finally they seem to be out. This is not to say he doesn't have more coming.. Teeth = devil!

    The last few nights he hasn't wanted to nurse which is so strange for him, even when he was teething previously and had ear infections he still nursed fine. He has been waking up crying tossing and turning and not wanting to sleep with us either. Last night was the last straw.. It was the hardest thing I've had to do thus far but I'm sure not the hardest thing I'll ever do. He only cried for 20 mins (I may have cried for 30) before he passed out at 3:30am after waking at 12 midnight. I was at the end of my rope frustrated and defeat. There was nothing else I could do, he didn't want me or Bret we have no Idea what he wanted. Hopefully this makes life a bit easier! Tonight I'm focusing on having him go to bed at a decent time

  4. No Expectations.. OK!

    Sunday, March 11, 2012

    Sooooo didn't expect this.  Thankfully for homeowners insurance we'll get it all taken care of.  Eventually.  Cheers!


  5. We joyfully celebrated Cyan Brooks on Friday, his 11 month birthday. Still I can't believe how fast time flies! He's been doing some fun new things these days like putting small objects into other things like bags/boxes/baskets. Putting them in then taking them out and continuing for minutes. He also takes blocks and lifts them behind his head over his shoulder then drops them onto the floor. So funny! Hmmm.. Let's see his 2nd top tooth seems to have cut through although based on the night we had last night.. It's not all the way cut :( misery.

    Oh, he's learned a new fit. When he doesn't get his way ie. for me to pick him up and hold him whenever he wants.. He either lays his body flat on the floor or bends over from sitting just enough to lay his head down as if in despair and defeat. It's so pitifully adorable.

    Feb 28th - We took him to a little Mexican place near home and it was his first journey in his bigger car seat!  He's such a good boy. :)


  6. I've been so inspired lately at work with Sam Brocato coming on Wednesday Feb 22, a hair show in Nola on Sunday the 26th and Jason Schwind and Diego Raviglione in a hands on class on Monday Feb 27. 

    I've rekindled my love for hair!  Diego was an incredible teacher and such an inspiration!  After a few aha moments, I understand a bit more clearly I just sometimes wish my brain and my hand could communicate better.  I love having links opened up in my brain and connecting to other links.  The BEST! I love to learn and absolutely love to retain working information especially when it pertains to my livelihood.  Tonight in thankful for the fire that is relit under me to promote me to be creative again.  Take risks and discover new things. I couldn't do this with the salon I worked at before.. Im not sure why, it just didn't fit.  

    Now I feel new again!


  7. A mixture of admiration and pity is one of the surest recipes for affection.- Authur Helps

    This is the perfect quote for how I feel right now at this particular moment. This will pass and I'll get over any feelings of bitterness that I'm harboring. I just didn't ever think at almost 31 I'd have to fetch some new pals similar to me at a similar place in life. Just like any other relationship, friendships require cultivation and care. All relationships need some key ingredients.. For me, loyalty and flexibility are two of the main flavors. I'm counting my blessings and gathering my things and moving on. You may or may not ever cross paths with people from your past again and this is so bizarre to me. Once someone imprints on my life it's so hard to just let go but there becomes a time when the other person lets go of their side of the rope and your left sopping in a puddle of mud. I'm learning quickly to get up and move on. You can't force people to be friends with you or even part of your life regardless of how much you actually have in common or thought you had in common.  sad. 

    On a lighter note, Cy is finally back asleep after two hours to teething terror. GOD tooth, just surrender would you?

