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  1. Spring is the best.

    Sunday, April 29, 2012

    We've been thoroughly enjoying our beautiful spring weather!! This week is the last week for Cyan in his old class.. He's been hanging out much more with the toddlers and even ate lunch with them today. :) they no longer use high chairs or cribs they sit in chairs with straps at a table and sleep on their own cot. I'm wondering how he'll do.. Today we rode our bikes down to the lake and fed the ducks. Very cool!'. They're fed often so they come up close to you.. Cy sat in his wee ride and soaked it all in! This past weekend we drove to Hammond to a housewarming party for a cousin of. Bret's, it was nice to see everyone!

  2. So we've graduated from the baby rooms and on to the toddlers. Even tho Cyan isn't quite walking yet they had to make room for some newbies in his class. Last week was transition week, he played, ate, and even slept on the toddler side. Ahem. Of course mommy is nervous but Cyan was a real champ and enjoyed his new friends. A lot has been happening lately so we've focused on one day at a time! My darling sister in law has called off her wedding which was to happen in less than a month. Like I said some big changes.. I've been thinking of her tons lately. Things always find a way of working themselves out, somehow, someway.

    I'm sad we missed festival international in Lafayette this weekend but I'm really looking forward to jazz fest this thursday.. With 3 of my favorite girls!

  3. Movin' on up

    Friday, April 20, 2012

    Soon Cyan will be moving up to the one year old program.. I'm excited and nervous of course. He isn't walking yet and I know the majority of children in this next class are. I'm sure this will make him more inclined to go for it! He stood on his own today for the first time :) from a squatting position Bret said he lifted himself up to a stance! He's beginning to be a brave boy. I've been trying to exercise a bit more.. I'd like to get back into running and cardio. I know it's what I need to trim down. We have a lot of things coming up, a family wedding, a beach trip (which I am so looking forward to) and three weddings in which we're photographing. Go Lovetrolux!

    We ventured out to outback this evening.. Cy loves the bread! It was fair, my dish was fishy which is unusual so I wasn't all that thrilled about that. He's been having trouble sleeping again.. And we now have his first I-tooth which could be why. The left side seems to be almost totally cut. Whew.

    We've been playing a ton and really enjoying our time with him! My sweetheart son.

  4. Thirty one

    Friday, April 13, 2012

    Celebrating my 31st birthday today, this last week has been a lot of fun! We broke out a few more of Cyan's presents from his birthday for him to play with. One thing I'm promising myself for my next year of life (God willing) is to not worry as much as I do at times.

    I've obsessed about this one particular person and I no longer being friends, not being able to to truly understand what happened or how someone can change so drastically in a short time. I'm convinced now that who I thought she was, was a personality built on lies and since I really enjoyed that about her and clearly she isn't that person anymore, I'm good with it now. This was a pivotal change for me.. I hate to live my life hoping I'll not have regrets and focusing so greatly on not burning bridges I'm comfortable now with knowing in my heart that I didn't burn this bridge.. She did. :)

    31 is going to be HUGE year for me I'm very excited about what the future holds.

  5. Cy Pie Robot Guy

    Thursday, April 12, 2012

    So we had a robot themed event for Cyan's first birthday party and it couldn't have worked out better.  I'm thankful for those that came out to celebrate with us.  We love y'all!  I obsessed about this party for a few months of course I wanted his first birthday to be memorable.. oddly enough he won't remember a thing from it.  Thank GOD for photography. :)

    Handmade edible robot heads consisting of chewy spree, candy eyeballs, tic tacs, mike and ike, gummy lifesavers and edible adhesive on a jumbo marshmallow!

    Thanks to Aunt Sissy for making his smash cake and those awesome 5x5 photo frames I ordered from York photo.  They were a nice addition to the tables.

    Cupcakes were TO DIE FOR!  Thanks Cupcake Dreams by Hayden - Bret and I made the gears to top the cakes. :) 

    Yes we made our own robot heads. 

    April 1 2012 - was a fantastic day :)


  6. Keeping it simple.

    Saturday, April 7, 2012

    I'm forcing myself to leave me comfort zone of being in control of everything around me including my house work. Husband has been incredibly busy (which I'm thankful for) with website work, photography, and taxes and I've been swamped at work also which leaves little time to clean house. I'd much rather spend the extra time with my sweethearts, and I do.

    I think I'll make a schedule for myself of days that I absolutely need to get things done like bathing Chloe and catching up on bills, laundry, etc other than that we've been enjoying our days outside while this Louisiana weather allows it. We grilled yesterday evening and played outside for a while. Unfortunately we missed my sister and brother in law announce the gender of baby number two, which is another BOY btw. So far we're 3 for 3 on my side.. All boy grand babies.. I wonder if I'll have a girl. Hump.

    As for now we're loving our little guy!

  7. Cyan's first birthday party.

    Sunday, April 1, 2012

    Today was a great success. We celebrated Cyan's first birthday with a robot themed party at my parents home. Months of planning and in two hours it's done.. But was totally worth it! I'll post pictures once they're uploaded off of the card an I find a home for all of these new gifts.
